Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Blooming Tuesday - Casa

It is that time of year. The Casa is put away. Not many/any blooms in the garden. I will just have to dream the winter away awaiting time to have some lovely blooms to post. I miss the Casa already. There is a big hole in the garden where it usually sits.  Happy Blooming Tuesday anyway.


Teri said...

This is such a neat little place to relax in. One more autumn chore to put it away.


Cris, Artist in Oregon said...

We put the last of summer things away yesterday here. I heard it was going to freeze over night and we woke to snow. It isnt lasting but it was fun to wake up and see. Oh and thats what seed catalogs are for in the winter time.. Dreaming and planning. :))

SandyCarlson said...

That time of year. We rest whether we like it or not!

(Word verification is not a word but a good idea: calmses.)