Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Surprise Spider

My biggest surprise this weekend was my first of the year SPIDER (outside).  We were birding at the Patoka River National Wildlife Refuge. I looked down and there on the edge of the snow ran a spider. I ran back to the car to get the camera to take its picture. It tried to hide in the duff. I found him though because he was much paler than the duff. It didn't rise above 35Fdegrees all day. This seemed like such a surprise.


PAK ART said...

He looks big. I'm afraid I'm not much of a spider fan, but you really did a good job of capturing his creepiness. He looks very realistic!

Teri said...

So.....does that make a snow spider? or just plain stupid for being out in the cold?

Great sketch Lisa!

marianne said...

Great sketch! Hope he finds shelter somewhere.
Your sketches get better and better but they keep your signature, i love that!

Laure Ferlita said...

Now that's not something I expected to read about! The spiders down here all go comatose when the temps drop down. Great sketch!

Cris, Artist in Oregon said...

I have a horrible fear of spiders and cant even look at them in books. so coming here was hard. I peeked at your job and well done. Now I am outta here. lol

verobirdie said...

I don't know why, I don't see a spider but a pair of walking shoes with strings :-) And I like the painting very much.
Probably my inner me reminding me I don't like spiders and would love to be out trekking...
I like the skunk.

Julie said...

That must have been a surprise, alright!!! What is a duff??? Your painting is really good!

studio lolo said...

if you look closely you'll see that he has the teeniest, tiniest pear of Uggs on!

Excellent job!

Katiejane said...

It is surprising to see a spider around here this time of year. You did a very nice job of drawing it.
We're under six inches of snow today. Won't be seeing any spiders outside, I'm betting.

SandyCarlson said...

That's a hardy soul! You inspire me, Lisa. Thanks for this great illustration.

Q said...

What a wonderful drawing!
I do love spiders!
Amazing to find one outside when it is so cold.
Maybe she woke up to get a drink of water!

Margaret Ann said...

A spider in camo...Gives me the willies! Your capture was spot on...and creepy! LOL :)