Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dogs on Thursday - Luna's Visitors

Woe is me. My dear friends, I must tell you I have had quite the week this week. I have been dog sitting for a little friend. Let me introduce you... this is Oly. Oly is a minature poodle that thinks he can rule over my garden. Well, let me tell you this is not the case. Mom says he puts the Yap in Yappy Dog and that he is smarter than he lets on. He plays the "I'm a little dog I can go anywhere and do anything I want" but knows the rules.

He does help me with patrolling the garden for any uninvited guests.

As you can see he is often underfoot. It is a job in itself just not to step on him. He gets really grouchy when someone steps on him. Oly went home today and low and behold just when I thought I was going to get a rest...

Vinny comes for the weekend. I don't have to worry about Vinny getting underfoot. He is so active that I have a hard time keeping up with him. He is fast too.

He is a little obsessive about the Ash tree because this is where there are often little gray squirrels hanging out. They all know to stay away when Vinny is here though. Vinny will not tolerate anything smaller than he is in the garden. Actually he wouldn't allow any critter to come into the garden unless my Mom says it is ok. Yes, I have my hands full this weekend. I hope you all have a good one.

To visit other Dogs on Thursday you can go here.


SandyCarlson said...

Those little guys can really get under paw. Looks like the big one takes care of matters rightly, though!

Busy days, Lisa! Looks like fun, though.

PAK ART said...

I love your dog posts. As you know I'm a dog lover too. Luna is a beauty - is she a white shepard?

marianne said...

Hi Lisa

Wonderful dogs in your garden. I love it how devoted they are to keep everythinnng out of the garden! What an enourmous tree that must be.....
What an awesome feather you gave to Lolo! Amazing. I wonder if you paint that yourself? Because the ibis is there also you painted lately....

Have a nice day!
hug for Luna!

soulbrush said...

tee hee welcome to our personal doggie posts, now there are three of us, you me and artist for dogs that can talk and write their own columns once a week,and luna i feel so sorry for you,as i hate having other dogs around, and i am NOT yappy (well trained tee hee)...hugs from london. ps how does your mom keep you so white???

ArtistUnplugged said...

Oly and Vinny seem to be keeping you very busy....boss them around, just like you're a king! You are the master canine of your yard! -Apollo

yoon see said...

Wow! Lisa, Luna has got cool friends visiting. I do hope Luna have this kind of special treat always!
Happy weekends to you Lisa.
Happy weekends to Luna and visitors too:)

yoon see said...

By the way, what are they smelling ....are they in serch of some treasures?
I wish they find some in your garden Lisa!

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Pak Art, yes, we got Luna from a white shepherd rescue group. My vet thinks she has some samoyed in her too though because her tail curls when she is excited.

Marianne, yes I painted the feather for Lolo.

Soul, Luna keeps herself clean for the most part. She is shepherd and their coat sheds dirt. She sheds tons of fur too. UGH...

Yoon See, dogs always sniff around a lot. This is the way they find out if there is something or someone in their area.

studio lolo said...

Vinny looks like he's mostly terrier. That explains a lot! (I have one...oy!)

BT said...

What a lovely doggy post. Luna is beautiful but what a coat to keep clean! Buster's is much easier! He would like to join I bet..

Quiet Paths said...

This was a fun doggie essay. I love your frank manner concerning Oly. I had a daily visitor for awhile -- a blind Dalmatian from down the street who had this THING about my rhubarb. He'd come and snauf around in it until he broke the stalks and shredded the leaves. I finally had to turn the hose on him. Oh yes, and we built a fence.