Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday Scribbles

It seems that on Sunday while watching football games or just relaxing I get a page of scribbles.  These scribbles usually bring to mind something I want to improve in my drawing.  Like faces.  Some people can make such interesting faces when just seeming to doodle.  Mine always seem the same.  Same eyes, Same mouth. Faces are so intersting to me.  Especially the eyes.  I hope you are having a restful Sunday and you can sit and scribble or do just what ever your heart desires today.  Cheers.


studio lolo said...

faces are the hardest things to draw in my opinion.

They say that every artist paints a likeness of themselves when drawing faces ;)

Julie said...

Hi Lisa! Happy Sunday to you! I cannot draw anything to do with a face! It is sooooo hard. My daughter is so amazing at it...I just am so thrilled when I see someone who it really able to do it! Kepp is fun all the same, eh??? I am looking for a cactus here in Shreveport to show for tomorrow...LOL...(haven't seen one yet)!

soulbrush said...

i do like your scribbles, i don't do enough of them. i knit in front of the telly and that is hugely relaxing. hugs to you this sunday evening lisa. xx

Cheryl said...

Hi Lisa....I have never been able to draw faces.......I find them extremely difficult.

I think doodling is a good idea.....sometimes we just concentrate too hard, and cannot achieve the look that we want.

ArtistUnplugged said...

I'm not much of a person sketcher, not sure if I will ever put much time into them but I love your sketches! Your flower in the previous post is beautiful! Loved the pumpkins you carved too. Thanks for always stopping by and leaving a comment...trying to stop in and leave some myself before another busy week begins!

Cris, Artist in Oregon said...

Sketching is good. I do the same thing. same mouths and eyes and nose. Funny. They are hard to do. keep up the doodling.

SandyCarlson said...

You've got some expressive eyes there!

Teri said...

Practicing in front of the TV is a good and useful thing to do. Look at all your art in general, the more you have done it the better it gets.

You could always go back to the auction barn for practice but I would be so jealous!

marianne said...

Faces are difficult!
I always try to avoid it
Good you took up the challenge....

yoon see said...

Thanks for your wishes Lisa, you are so thoughtful.
Yeah, it's not easy to draw especially the facil expression, fingers and legs. It's good to have a positive mindset to sit down to ponder about it.
Hope that everyday is a creative and restful day for you Lisa.

Mim said...

faces are tough - but if what lolo says is true - I'm in trouble.

Margaret Ann said...

I love sketchy pages like this...I need to work on faces too...but...geometric designs are sooooo much easier! LOL :)