I have been inspired by Teri at Teri's Painted Daisies to do start a portrait drawing series. This is my first drawing of the series. I don't have a number of portraits that I want to do like Teri who is trying for 50. I just want to use this exercise as a way of improving my skill.
This little fellow is Judah, my Great Great Nephew. Is is a little doll in my eyes and I am the typical old auntie that just wants to pinch his cheeks. Il try to resist but it is difficult. The small picture is what I used for a model as you can't get a 9 month old wiggle worm to sit still long enough for me to sketch. I am very s l o w.
When I finish a drawing I always look at it and see what I should have done. I think one eye looks a little unfinished. Hmmm Definitely room for improvement...onward an upward.

You are so critical of yourself! But I suppose that is how it works. We never think it is good enough. Someone did a blog on knowing when to quit though. I still thinks you did a fabulous job. Great likeness!
Lisa! it is fabulous! You have that sparkle in his eye (and he is indeed a doll with pinchable cheeks) and a wonderful likeness. You have now inspired me!
What talent you have!! And you know what? I thought his cheekbones looked like yours in the photo beside it. I'm putting this new blog up on my sidebar list so I'll remember to come and visit.
Well Beckie I guess I just see something in my head and it never comes out on paper how I want it to look. I am glad you like it.
Thank you Teri.
Nan, I do have chubby cheeks too. tee hee.... Don't they say we revert back to our childhood after a certain age. :)
This is really great! I think you are a natural!
Dear Lisa,
Wow! Your drawing is very nice. I like it better than the Gerber Baby.
You do have talent!
what a good drawing, you are excellent. and he is definitely a cutie.
WOW, this is definitely your forte.
WOW, this is definitely your forte.
That is a great portrait! People aren't easy to draw, we make so many (wrong) assumptions about how they look. One thing that I know about my artwork (and other projects) is that if I agonize over them, they never seem right and I start to really dislike my work.If I put the offending drawing or what ever away in a drawer rather than follow my initial impulse to throw it away,I find that when I rediscover it, it's actually quite good. We are our harshest critics because we know what our mind's eye is seeing.
I am looking forward to seeing more of your work.
You are quite right about putting away a work for awhile and then liking it when you refind it. I think an artist fixates on a project and you don't look at it objectively. I always get a bad case of the "should haves".
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