This is my first attempt to make a mandala. Autumn is one of my favorite times of year so I get lots of inspiraiton from this time. If you like mandalas you can go Teri's Mandalas to see more. Teri is the person that introduced me to mandalas. I am still not sure what they are but seeing her work has intrigued me.
Autumn singing with
berries, nuts and colorful leaves
makes me feel alive
lisa, this is beautiful imagery...your mandala makes me want to fall into a pile of leaves & breathe deeply of this new-found fresh air!
Very very inspiring indeed. Thank you!
This is so pretty Lisa and love the haiku!
Just think of a mandala as a zen experience. Make a circle and let the lines follow.
Lovely art and poem. I feel the same about autumn.
It has the same effect on me. This is a wonderful mandala and an equally wonderful poem. Thanks for sharing this!
..such a beautiful mandala & a lovely poem..many thanks..
Dear Lisa,
Very pretty and so magical!
I am awed by the mandala.
Yours is so inspiring.
I want to make one too.
Thank you.
this is wonderful, i have to try a mandala too one day.
Yes, beautiful! I actually went into my yard and looked for your imagery and was pleasantly surprised! Thank you for the inspiration!
Beautiful mandala Lisa!
I´m sure it won´t be your last!
there's an award waiting for you on my blog- with hugs!
Lisa, you have captured the essence of autumn perfectly. The colors and lines flow.
This is lovely and your mandala is great!
Makes me want to rake leaves.
Lisa, you've created a lovely and unique mandala. I remember years ago a lady who used to make sand mandalas. They were exquisite works of art and she must have spent hours upon hours creating them. I love this beautiful watercolour mandala of yours.
I have presented you with an award on my blog...Pop in and pick it up at you leisure! :) Spread the JOY!
I love the colors in this - they are so vibrant and remind me of fall, and harvest and thanksgiving.
Well, I just have to agree with all of your commenters...this is an awesome have found a great subject...autumn!
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