In the gift shop at the visitor center they had some finger puppets that I love to collect. I first started collecting them for my Grands. However they didn't take to them as I had hoped so now I have had to fess-up about liking them myself. I got this cute little Gambles Quail. He was our mascot for the trip.
It was also a little unsettling to see the Border Patrol with their tower right beside the observation deck keeping an eye out for illegal crossings. Heck, there was a bridge not a half mile from where we stood. I don't know why they wouldn't just walk across if they wanted to. I don't know if there is a check point but we saw people going from one side to the other. Strange.
You drew your hand really well. I'm always working on getting the proportions of mine right. Your journal is better than a scrapbook complete with photos for remembering the trip.
Nice hand drawing. Sounds fascinating. There has been increased warnings about the border in the past week, kidnappings, etc. So, be cautious! Sounds like you are really enjoying your trip. Love the on the road reports and paintings!
what a chocablock drawing. seesm strange, i agree.
I love reading about your adventures on this trip...and I am totally in love with that quail finger puppet!!! We have quail scurry around our yard every day...they are such a treat to watch...the little babies steal your heart! They are such a family oriented all time favorites!
Another great page and confession (lol). Those puppets sound adorable and as Margaret said, they run around here all the time.
As for the border, we are 90 miles away and it seems something is always in the news. I won't even venture over the border.
Hi Lisa, love the finger puppets of birds. I have similar ones that are stuffed animals that make the bird sound when squeezed. The grand plays a little with them, but not as much as I do! The border patrol thing is disconcerting. I guess if we lived there we would get used to it. Congrats on your new life bird too.
I too collect finger puppets!
The quail is very cute...
I just love your travel journal...
Great puppet!
Oh I have missed quite some posts here....
I came home Saturday, then went to a boat show Sunday and today I brought my Mom home for the day.
Now I am tired..... Just visiting some blogs and will go to bed.
This is a nice journal page! The hand is very well done! Hands are difficult....
So nice that I can join your trip now that you are home, strnage isn´t it? But nice!
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