National Geographic is a magazine that I dearly love. It takes me all over the world. The photos and articles keep me informed about the world. It has articles about the natural world that I find interesting. This month is no exception. They have an article about one of my favorite things...Feathers. The evolution of feather to be exact.
In this article they had several fossils from all over of the "Beasts" that had feathers. Of course the artist's renditions of the beasts are something to behold.
My favorite is the Epidexipteryx or commonly called the Jurasic Peacock in the article. The photo above was taken of this fossil and artists rendition of the beast from the magazine.
Below is my interpretation of the fossil and the artist's rendition.
I would love to have a real fossil of something like this. I know I couldn't afford such a treasure. So I did the next best thing. I made one for myself. I had some old sculpty clay and I worked it into the below "fossil". It isn't perfect but I sure had fun making it.Happy Animal Wedensday to you all. For more Animal Wednesday fun pop over to Aunti Mim's here.