I haven't been totally neglecting my art this past week. I have sort of neglected posting due to my schedule. I have here some atcs that I managed to make. I would love to trade if anyone sees something they would like.
Here is a Gerber Daisy. (this one is traded to Lynn)

This Monkey on a Porch has a story. Some retired fellows I know sit on a porch and watch the world go by. They have a points system that they give for waves, nods, honks etc. They are retired. One of them refers to themselves as Monkeys on the porch.

This little owl reminds me of my Aunt that just passed. She collected many small figurines. Owls being one of her collections. (This one is traded to Marianne)

Then watching some of the US Open this week I was inspried by all the colorful umbrellas that the spectators had to use to try to stay dry during play. (Teri gets this one)

I hope you all are dry and happy this weekend.
I'd trade for the daisy. Choose something of mine and leave a message. I am leaving on vacation for two weeks so you will have to wait to receive! Hope that is okay.
All really nice ATCs!!!
Lovely ATCs....as soon as I can get some made I will start trading too! Our weekend is dry with temps going to 98! Hope you have a good weekend. Always appreciate your kind comments left. :)
Lovely ATC's Lisa.
I would love to trade the owl......
Have a nice Sunday!
PS the daisy is gorgeous too, forgot to say that.
The monkey funny and the umbrellas well done. ATC's are so much fun.
I did 3 yesterday , so nice just to do some little art.
Lovely ATC.
I like the monkey story :-)
Re umbrellas, a law has just been signed here. During (protest) marches, the participants are not allowed to wear something hidding their face. Apparently not only masks, but also hats, beanies, umbrellas, etc... Rainy marches will be a problem...
eeek just missed the owl, make another one pleeeeeeese for marianne and me...tee hee...they are lovely.
Oh...Marianne beat me out on that cute owl!!! I love owls!!! Your U.S. Open card is really clever...it is a thing to see the umbrellas out there in the course in the rain!!!
These are all great and I would ask for the umbrella one if I had some to trade. Been in the garden more then the Art studio I fear. All I have left is a cottage tea pot ATC, Somewhere in that room. I did cut some 140 lb watercolor paper out to do more ATCs. So hopefully I will get some more going soon.
Oh my goodness, if you still have the US open umbrellas. I love it and it has been on non-stop in my house. Let me know.
Good to see you back in the swing here.
I enjoyed all of these. Gerberas are among my favorite flowers.
And the story of the retired dudes made me smile.
Your umbrellas cheered me up, too. So much rain!
Wow! Lisa, you are so creative. I love the owl and umbrella ATC. So cool!
Wow have you been busy...some happy trading going on here! Woo HOo! :)
What lovely ATCs you have made. I love the umbrellas too and the story of the 2 retired chaps. How sweet. I must make some to trade too I'm afraid. It's hard enough keeping up with the ABC/ATCs!
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