As I have been sitting outside more since we have had absolutely perfect weather I sat and watched a hummingbird going to the flowers around the garden. One of my favorite flowers is the annual BLack and blue Salvia. The hummers absolutely love it. It is in semishade and it still blooms up a storm. I wonder what it would do if it got full sun as it should have.

There is now a male hummingbird in our garden that battles for all of his favored feeding stations. Happy Animal Wedensday too.
What a sweet little hummer!!!!!
I love hummingbirds and also watched them this past weekend - cheeky little buggers!
Fabulous painting Lisa! You captured the hummingbird action and colors just wonderfully!
I love this post. It's so nice to be aware of what's going on and to take it in for all it has to offer. Thanks for bringing us into the moment with that wonderful painting.
I love hummingbirds....lovely painting, today and yesterdays!
ha ha love the 'perfect' weather part...we just don't get that here!!! lovely art, happy Bt and animal wednesday.
A kiss from a sweet and delicate! :) HBT!
Cute! love hummingbirds.
Difficult to paint as they won 't sit still :)
Beautiful hummingbird watercolour Lisa. Perfect Animal Wednesday post!
I love seeing your hummers and your blooms. Your watercolor captures both beautifully!
Lovely and candid flying moment for this little darling humming bird!
Gorgeous, that black flower sounds amazing, I wonder
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