Here is another intresting cactus that has a name way to long to type more than once. teehee...
It is unusual as the flower doesn't open all the way. It looks something like an artichoke don't you think? Happy Cactus Monday.

For more cactus inspiration go to
Teri's Painted Daisies. Have a great week everyone.
What a beautiful drawing! Happy CM!
This is so beautiful Lisa! I really love it an ATC??? Gorgeous! It does look a lot like a artichoke!!!
Happy CM!
Hi Lisa, HCM. Your use of colors here is just gorgeous. and an interesting story too. This one is a real beauty. I clicked to enlarg, and the detail is just beautiful. Have a great week...
How beautiful! I've got quite a few Gymnocalycium- they are my favorite cacti!
Beautifully done Lisa! WOW!! It does look like an artichoke.
Fabulous watercolor! You are an inspiration... miss you girls, will be back! Have a HCM!!!!
Beautiful sketch and painting, love it.
Happy Cactus Monday.
Wow are you on fire...So beautiful! :)HCM!
Wonderful painting! it certainly does look like an I was wondering if it was an atc also. :)
when i read the first word, i thought i would see a cactus doing exercise. this is far better than what i expected. hcm to you dear heart.
This is georgous! I wonder how large the painting is? Wow! So well done!
This painting is in my moleskin sketchbook. I am sorry to say no ATCs coming from these fingers lately. I write large and I tend to paint large too. Something about squeezing these things onto an ATC is so difficult for me.
Soul, some of the names of these plants are so L O N G. It didn't give a common name for this one.
I was thinking artichoke! This time it wasn't my relentless appetite...
Very lovely watercolor painting! It does look like an artichoke and now I'm hungry for one. Happy CM!
That is an amazing cactus - I love your colors. I still have to draw one more than I'm going to try painting them....wish me luck!
Hope I am not too late to drop by to comment.
i love to.
Thank you for your understanding.
I love your cactus becuase it assembles the cool matching colours that we all love so much.
A little bit of purple. He..He..So mystery & adorable!
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