The letter "L" brought a flurry of falling leaves from Gina in Ireland. From this card...

to this "L"ovely ATC.

There was also an extra ATC with lots of "Good Luck" and a sweet kitty.

Not to mention inchies and "L"s.
I also received a packet from Linda the Stampmaiden. She is so creative with her stamps. Not only did I get this card with my very own stamps in it...

King Kyle has arrived in all his splendor.

Many many thanks to you both.
and they look so much better 'in the flesh' rather than on the computer, gorgeous.xx
How cool to send leaves...Reminds me of an episode of Mash where a young girl sent a New England leaf to Charles...Can't believe fall is right around the corner...Fun collection...Love the alphabet exchange! :)
Those leaves are so cool. Gina and Linda are my heros when it comes to creative collaging!
Thanks for letting us share in the creativity of others. These are just wonderful. I am thinking of a way to use this idea of creating and exchanging at school....
The King Kyle really caught my eye! I'm constantly amazed at everyone elses creativity.
I'll be sending oak leaves and acorns from new England to one of my best friends in CA. I'll wait until peak colors and dazzle her!
Nice collection here :)
I'm so glad you liked your little package Lisa. I love Linda's one, she's the Stampmaiden all right.
Lisa, glad King Kyle has made it to your "Queendom." Everyone who saw him before he made his journey was quite impressed with his eye. LOL! I had fun putting him together for you.
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