National Geographic has an article in their latest magazine about camels. I have always been facinated by these creatures. Their eyes are so interesting with those long lashes that help keep out the sand. Happy Animal Wednesday.

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Teri's Painted Daisies.
listen you, i have to do an atc trade of 'animals' with you( you do the animals, I'll do whatever you want), een if we just do 5 cards each....!!!...each one you do is better than the one before. this is ACE! HAW and you are my new guru as far as animal art goes. wow!
Wow - this is really great - I love the angle looking up at his head.
Holey moley Lisa, this is just AWESOME!!! A real WOWZER!! Animals are really your thing.
it doesn't matter if it isn't an atc, it is still fabadabadoo....camels really have eyes like that. whew!
Thank you all, your enthusiasm is encouraging.
I love Camels too (well ~ all animals) :-) Your painting has really captured the camel's best feature - those lovely eyes & eyelashes! Just gorgeous!
Sweet camel. And so well drawn! Wow.
Love how you captured him. Lots of feeling to it too.
Wow! Just too lovely! The friendly camel is saying "Hi" to all of us.
I am so happy to be able to join you here to withness the beauty of a heartfelt master piece!
Love its colour too.
My computer conked yesterday. I was so scared.
I tried at least 10 times to reopened & refreshed my computer screen but failed....then today try again...can't!
But finally I can access to the start page. I quickly save all my files.
What an awesome camel, Lisa!!! How did you do it? Looks like watercolors...or is it colored pencils? I love this camel...she looks like a sweet girl to me!
beautiful head. I always found camels are beautiful, despite their reputation of being mean.
Sooooooo sweet! :)
I love camels. I used to think they were ugly, but now I think they are amazing, glamorous creatures.
I do love the camels and all the camelids of South America.
While I hike I think of myself as a camel...I do carry water.
Wonderful drawing.
It is exciting to see all your art.
He looks like a saucy dude!
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